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10 USD Monero Party

See Magnitude parties on the other forum (request for one consolidated page on the forum)

                                                                                                   1 USD party10 USD party100 USD party1000 USD party

  • address: 45wRsG6rNrBCNvDVQrWzFpHwxCiZw7JaMNPqKpUqHzquHZxn1USVn9ucEkaEnRTcoeADdzKdAETPYV6SP7tvGGQCEur4nPQ
  • Funds on the Monero Ten Dollars Party wallet: 200 XMR
  • Donators: dnaleor



  • You can get refund as long as XMR isn't converted to fiat, minus transaction and handling fees
  • XMR will be converted to fiat when our goal (for this party, 10 USD) is reached and maintained long enough. We are considering announcing conversion some days in advance (which mean people desperately willing to be refunded will have some time to do so).
  • The full amount will be used to organize the party. Since it won't be exactly right either individual people will pay with their own money of the leftover will carry over the next party (100 USD)
  • The location (or locations) of the party (parties?) as well as the scope of what is included it not defined yet, but we'd like it to be a seamless experience - so this would probably mean you pay your plane/train... ticket and we take care of the rest (food and drinks, accomodation, guided tours, memorable gifts...)
Replies: 4
DonYo posted 7 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I hope you enjoy your party :)

XMRChina posted 8 years ago Weight: -305 | Link [ - ]

I look forward to meeting many of you once this happens.

dnaleor edited 8 years ago Weight: -734 | Link [ + ]

I just bought my ticket. Maybe we will have this party in 2015? :)

dnaleor edited 8 years ago Weight: -734 | Link [ + ]

Maybe it's a good idea to add the folowing:

*People can get a refund for their ticket any time as long as the XMR isn't converted to fiat, minus transaction and handling fees

*The XMR will be converted to fiat when we reach our goal (for this party 10 USD)

*The full amount will be used to organize the party

*People joining the party only need to arrange their own travel. When they arrive at the party, they don't need to pay anything (unless super expensive optional stuff :P) So the room, food, drinks etc are all included. Just have a good time and don't worry about money ;)

I think these things would incentivize others to buy their tickets :)

Where will the party be organized? Malla?